At a time when Christians in the media could show the compassion, grace and love of Christ, people like Pat Robertson have effectively alienated non-Christians by spouting negativity and condemnation. All that does is confirm the feelings of some non-Christians that Christians are a bunch of judgmental hypocrites who don't give a darn about anyone but themselves. I really don't understand what he was thinking or why he felt the need to abuse his platform like that, but I can tell you one thing. HE DOES NOT SPEAK FOR THIS CHRISTIAN. I hope he does not speak for the vast majority of Christians and I have pity for the poor souls for whom he does speak.
Shame on you, Pat Robertson. You had a chance to step up and give everyone the gift of Jesus and you blew it. And while we are talking about this, I would like to say also, shame on you, whoever you are, who was sitting next to Pat at that desk. You had a chance to say something to refute the idiotic comment that he made and instead you sat there like a bobble-headed nincompoop nodding your head in agreement. I can only hope you were too stunned to speak and that your nodding was only an automatic response and not because you actually were in a agreement with the statement. You both get a big FAIL in my book.
Even if what was trying to be said had any validity whatsoever, there is a thing called tact that was totally missed here. Time and place, Pat, time and place. You don't kick people when they are down and tell them that what happened to them was somehow their fault. That is beyond tactless and even goes beyond disgraceful, because, those people you are blaming for this natural disaster, Pat, are long dead. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever that God would be punishing these people for an activity that took place centuries ago. Not to mention the fact that a disaster like this is not specific to the people who are (in your mind) at fault. Many Christians were killed in this earthquake. How does that square up with your pronouncement? If this was judgment for consorting with the devil, then why would anyone who is a Christian be affected as well? There are so many wholes in your statement that it doesn't even deserve argument, so I won't waste my time on it any more. And that is what every person, Christian or otherwise should be doing - not wasting another moment on your stupid statement any longer. There are things to do, people to help, compassion to show, so there is no more time for you, Pat.
Jesus said that whenever we turn our backs on anyone in need, then we are turning our backs on him (Matthew 25:44-46). Today, I choose to move forward, away from the offensive condemnation of someone who thinks more highly of himself than he ought, and move toward the humility and grace of my savior Jesus Christ. I will do my part to love everyone like Jesus did. I will honor Jesus by showing compassion and sharing myself with those in need. I can only hope that other Christians will do the same, renouncing judgment, and shining the light of peace on the world. It is the least we can do and the most we can do all in one fell swoop.
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